Insulated Concrete Formwork - Nudura

Nudura is an Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) product suitable for a range of residential and commercial building types. Structures built with ICF systems have superior energy efficiency, greater strength, are extremely quiet, have healthier indoor air quality, achieve outstanding air tightness far exceeding the standards required for a Passivhaus and have lower overall maintenance costs compared to traditional building methods. The cost of construction is almost the same as traditional construction methods but with a big time saving on site.

The finished walls can be traditionally brick or stone skinned, rendered, brick slips or timber, the choice is yours.

The blocks are lightweight and come in a variety of sizes / widths / insulation standards to cover every situation. With an exceptional speed of build, a typical house requiring just a week to erect, the system also allows incredible flexibility not readily achievable with traditional systems. Curved walls and massive unsupported openings are just some of the unique features using ICF unlocks for your design. Small or awkward access sites are not a problem as the support and access system to build is internal to the structure. It is an ideal solution for basements too because of its strength, ease of building and tanking and its internal support system during construction.

If this has inspired you find out more please don't hesitate to contact us. We can explain more about this form of construction and how we could help with your ICF project if you are in Norfolk, Suffolk or Cambridgeshire. We may be able to arrange a site visit to a live site for you too.

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